LENNY is a formally and ergonomically
mature chair with its soft hour glass shape. The upholstery with its special lining is comfortable and together with the cantilever effect it guarantees fatigue-free sitting.
high gloss chrome
matt chrome
1007 polarweiß
1032 weißbeige
1031 ecru
1022 altweiß
1020 kiesel
1030 schlamm
1026 schokolade
1021 schwarzbraun
1024 anthrazit
1033 blau
1008 maranellorot
1001 schwarz
0500 schwarz
1223 wolframit
1242 dunkelgrau
1267 rock
1295 gallit
1392 mud
1422 marais
1489 schlamm
1495 barro
1496 flint
1545 steingrau
1580 classicgrau
1738 falu
2039 schwarzbraun
2040 mocca
2264 mahagoni
2282 schokolade
2292 terra
2355 cappuccino
2418 nuss
2670 goldbraun
3232 sand
3328 polar
3401 alto
3425 champignon
3665 ivory
3786 sahara
4270 bordeaux
4296 dark rosso
4300 rubin
4358 cherry
4359 kirsche
4412 corallrot
5077 ocean
5146 atlantic
4358 cherry
5255 pazific
5520 rauchblau
7290 dunkelgrün
8043 curry/senf
8234 clementine
8688 giallo
8939 holunder
9222 perlmutt
9436 weiss weiss
9437 altweiss
0500 schwarz
1266 anthrazit
1292 cenere
1388 elefante
1394 clay
1404 moor
1434 stone
1638 platin
1822 lichtgrau
1881 steingrau
1988 kiesel
2105 testa di moro
2214 kastanie
2262 caffé
2428 rehbraun
2600 cognac
2620 haselnuss
2621 weizen
2650 brandy
2712 cashew
2757 caramel
2813 natur
3315 lino
3333 coco
3588 crema
3688 savanne
3753 creme-beige
3819 sahne
3822 elfenbein
3832 off-white
4133 burgundy
4280 ziegelrot
4300 rubin
4319 vino
4352 karminrot
4353 diabolo
4378 berryrot
4411 rosso
4818 mandarine
4856 safran
4913 rosa
5030 oceano
5250 kobaltblau
5471 maritimblau
5575 atlantic
5785 caribic
5926 blau hell
6110 purpre
6886 flieder
7055 army green
7147 oliv
7242 forest
7523 arcadia
7612 kiwi
7688 apple
7711 civaia
7830 mint
8350 mimosa
8424 mango
8530 sun
9436 weiß
9437 altweiß
0500 schwarz
1187 schiefer
1242 dunkelgrau
1269 granit
1429 stone
1431 hellgrau
1679 lichtgrau
1680 silbergrau
2050 mocca
2112 chocolate
2238 mahagoni
2289 havanna
2429 rehbraun
2488 mittelbraun
2496 lehm
2523 rosenholz
2578 zimt
2622 cognac
2697 naturbraun
2699 kaschmir
2829 pearl
3469 sahara
3520 biscuit
3692 hellbeige
3810 ecru
3864 kieselbeige
3993 cremeweiß
4199 aubergine
4219 burgund
4223 bordeaux
4316 classicrot
4469 terracotta
4488 rubinio
4497 rot
4498 diamantrot
4774 lachs
5030 oceano
5174 nachtblau
5293 dunkelblau
5379 ultramarin
5461 royalblau
5679 capriblau
5780 pastellblau
6219 violett
6799 lavendel
7033 dunkelgrün
7055 army green
7458 tanne
7449 petrol
7289 schlammgrün
7389 olivio
7662 moos
7816 khaki
7819 minze
8244 zinkgelb
8424 mango
9436 weiß
I-002 mandelweiß
I-007 schlamm/mud
I-013 silbergrau
I-014 schiefer
I-018 gletschergrün
I-019 tintenblau
I-025 goldoliv
I-051 schwarz
Technical changes and errors reserved. The color surfaces shown can differ in color and structure.
Round tube cantilever chair with seat and back in leather, microfiber, or fabric ALCANTARA.
Download Product Data Sheet
Flat steel cantilever chair with seat and back in leather, microfiber, or fabric ALCANTARA.
Download Product Data Sheet
M. + W. Bacher Gmbh
Benzstraße 23
D-71272 Renningen
Tel: +49 (0) 7159-1604-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7159-1604-30
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© M. + W. Bacher GmbH